Pocket Poker Texas Holdem


This list is set up for the aggressive player. Though its a good list for any player, some more conservatives might have a tighter list. This list was created with limit holdem in mind. If you play no limit holdem, small pairs will definitely go up in value, as well as suited connectors. Please note the differences between 'suited' and 'off-suit'. They are off-suit as default unless otherwise noted.
Top Cards:
Ace-Ace (pair of aces)
Ace-King suited
When you're dealt Aces, Kings, or AK suited, you can and should raise and even re-raise before the flop, no matter your position. A pair of queens or jacks you have to be a bit more careful with, but the chances are still huge that you are top hand before the flop. Raise and drive out the draw hands, if there are no raises in front of you.
Strong Cards:
AQ, AJ, A10 (all suited)
AK (off suit or unsuited)
KQ suited
Pair of 10's
KJ, QJ, J10 all suited
Pair of 9's
K10 suited, Q10 suited
Why are these strong? If you notice, all have strong flush or straight draw chances, as well as a high face card. The pairs of 10's or 9's have to be included simply because of the rarity of being dealt a pocket pair, and these being on the high end.
With strong cards, look to raise in middle or late position, only if noone has raised before you. If you raise in middle position and someone in late position re-raises, be careful. If they're a strong player they probably have you beat in card strength unless theyre bluffing to try and take the blinds and antes.
Decent Pocket Cards:
Pair of 8's
Jack-9, 10-9 both suited
Pair of 7's
9-8, 8-7 both suited
Ace and any other suited card
KJ, QJ, J10
Dont bother raising with these cards unless everyone in front of you has folded. Also be careful playing these in middle position. Honestly, you probably want to see the flop as cheaply as possible. These cards can turn into monster hands though, because of their deceptive value. If you have a reputation as a strong player, other players wont be expecting you to make a straight with a 9-8. Another reason to at least play these cards sometimes is to keep yourself from getting a reputation as a 'Rock'. If you only play nut cards and everytime you raise, everyone else folds, you're missing out on some big bucks.
Barely Playable Pocket Cards
Any pair, 6's and under
Connected suited cards, not shown above (ie. 4-5 suited)
A10, K10, Q10
K9, Q9, both suited
These cards have to have serious help from the board to win. If you can get to the flop cheap it can be worth it though, as these are draw hands to flushes and straights, and you may hit trips with your low pair. These cards can make good bluff hands when you're 'on the button,' and everyone in front of you has either folded or called the blinds, because they at least hold some potential for a good hand...so its not a complete bluff. But be warned. These are 'play and pray' cards. In low limit games they might be worth it. But if you play these cards every time, you'll see your chip stack sink fast.
All other cards not mentioned above are complete trash. Fold 'em.
Feel free to print this list and by all means make amendments or trash it and make your own. Keep in mind, card strength is relative and depends on so many other factors. What might be great pocket cards in a tight game, may lose some value in a loose game where 3 people hold on to garbage hands hoping for a miracle board, no matter how many times you raise them. Other factors include your position, your total chips vs. your opponents, and the limits of the game.

Just because a player has identical cards doesn’t mean that it will automatically win the game

Pocket Poker Texas HoldemTexas
  1. Pocket Poker: Texas Holdem. There’s always a table waiting for you in this exciting Texas Hold ‘em Poker game!
  2. The chances of getting a top starting hand (of double aces, picture pairs or A-K.

Particularly in Texas Hold’em poker, the position at every hand is key in making a strategic decision. Being the one who initiates the action, or someone who follows, determines how to enter a hand. In the case of having low pocket pairs, the position becomes even more important and, as usual, several factors need to be considered.

Pocket pairs from 22 right up to AA can be played profitably with the right strategy, even if hands like AA and KK are a lot more exciting to play. Use the pocket pairs table below to find out the odds of being dealt different ranges of pocket pairs during a game of Texas Holdem. Pocket pair chart.

Pocket Poker Texas Holdem App

The worst-case scenario would be sitting in the small blind holding pocket pairs. For those cases in which a player is raising pre-flop, most likely the opponent is trying to steal the pot, but that doesn’t mean he has a bad hand. It is better not to take that risk and reconsider continuing.

A relative position offers a bit more advantage for players if there are two or more players active in the hand; calling is a good idea. Two things could happen, either you set, or you can use a check-raise strategy, which might force the other opponents to fold. And, stick with the player who follows your call as a perfect chance to raise the pot.

Generally, it is never a good strategy to participate in a hand in which you have low pocket pairs when there is a three-bet preflop if you are out of position. Even if you hit your set with pocket pairs, if the players are four or five-betting, consider retracting even if it’s a difficult decision. An exception can be made if you have enough stack to take the risk and move forward with the hand.

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Pocket Poker Texas Holdem For Ios

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